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How to install VLC media player on Ubuntu
How to install VLC media player on Ubuntu

How to install VLC media player on Ubuntu

The post briefs on how to install VLC media player on Ubuntu machines. VLC is a media player application that plays most multimedia files, DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and several others. The software is open source and free.

I. From Terminal

Open terminal and type in one of the following commands based on which source you want to install from

1. Source – deb Packages

  • When you install from traditional deb packages, you will not get the latest version until the next update released by Ubuntu and it is up-to the community.
  • They’re not always up to date, but the startup time is much better.

a. For Installation

sudo apt install vlc

b. For Uninstallation

sudo apt remove vlc

2. Source – snap store

  • When you install from snap packages you would get the latest version, these are more up to date and are updated automatically.
  • However snaps tend to be slow to load and take up more space.

a. For Installation

sudo snap install vlc

b. For Uninstallation

sudo snap remove vlc

3. Source – PPA

  • PPA stands for Personal Package Archive as the name suggest’s these are personal archive files of a developer.
  • Software developers create these repositories and distribute them when they want end user’s to play around and test the features of the upcoming release.
  • Ubuntu maintains a procedure to check if the new version of the software is compatible with the system or not to ensure the stability of the system.
  • Hence the PPA versions are not endorsed by the distribution and are not available via official Ubuntu repositories.
  • You would be getting the very latest version but PPA’s may or may not be compatible with your system and may or may not be stable.

a. For Installation

Add the repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/stable-daily

check for the availability by running the update command

sudo apt-get update

and then install

sudo apt-get install vlc

b. For Uninstallation

Uninstall the software

sudo apt-get remove vlc

remove the ppa added

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:videolan/stable-daily

and then run the update command to check if the ppa is removed

sudo apt-get update

II. From Ubuntu Software

Ubuntu software is another way how you can install VLC media player on Ubuntu machines.

  1. Click on “Show Applications” look for Ubuntu Software on your machine and launch it
show application icon

ubuntu software

2. Click on the “search” icon provided on the top right corner and type in “vlc media player”.

search for software
  • The software is showing multiple times, because it is listed from different sources.
  • When you choose to install from Ubuntu updates, software might not be the latest version and latest version will be available with next Ubuntu release, however it would take up less space and launch comparatively faster .
install vlc from official ubuntu repository
  • If you choose to install from Snap store, as mentioned earlier you would get the latest version and updates automatically,but software might be slow at startup and take up more space.
install vlc from snap store
  • Choose the source of your choice and click on it to open the install window

3. when you click on the install button you will be prompted for password, enter password and the installation starts.

click on install button to install vlc

  • After the installation completes the same window will have options “Launch” and “Remove”, clicking on “Launch” launches the software and clicking on “Remove” uninstalls the software from your machine.
buttons to launch and uninstall

Additional Info

1. Official VLC site with installation command mentioned

2. Official PPA site

3. You can also checkout YouTube video on the same