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How to easily add pages gadget on Blogger
How to easily add pages gadget on Blogger

How to easily add pages gadget on Blogger

The post briefs steps on how to add pages gadget on Blogger, we have also detailed on positioning the pages gadget, creating pages and linking the page created or external URL to the Pages gadget.

Adding the Pages gadget on Blogger is similar to adding any other gadget, check the post add or remove gadgets on Blogger for details.

I. Adding the gadget

1. From the left menu click on “Layout”.

2. In the layout shown look for “Add a Gadget” and click on that.

add a gadget link on the layout to add new gadgets

3. This opens a window with all the gadgets, browse through the list of gadgets, look for “Pages”.

list of available gadgets

4. Click on the gadget to add.

5. When you click on the gadget a window opens which shows all the properties related to the gadget, fill in the properties as needed.

gadget window with all the properties

6. Click on “Save”, Pages will be added as gadgets.

II. Positioning the “Pages” gadget

1. You can show the pages gadget as “tabs” on top of the page or as “links” on the side.

2. As per the theme added, the layout would have sections Header, Main, Sidebar and Footer.

3. If you want to show “Pages” as Tabs, drag and drop the gadget under Header section.

4. If you want to show “Pages” as links in the Sidebar, drag and drop the gadget in the Sidebar section.

III. Creating pages

1. Click on “Pages” from the left menu, when you click on Pages you will have an option “+NewPage” on top of the menu.

2. Click on “+New Page” to create a new page.

Pages from left menu and then click on New Page

3. Add Title and description of your choice and click on publish.

add title, description and click on publish

4. The newly created Page will show up under Pages.

IV. Linking the Page created to Pages gadget

1. Click on “Layout” from the side menu, in the layout look for the “Pages” gadget, the card will have “EDIT” option.

2. Clicking on “EDIT” opens up gadget window with it’s properties.

3. The newly created page (About in our case) would be shown in this dialog under Pages to show.

gadget window with created pages listed under Pages to show

This dialog would show all the pages that are created – check and select the one’s you want to show and uncheck the others.

4. Select the page and click on “Save”.

5. Your blog will now show Pages gadget and the newly added Page “About”.

V. Linking an external website url to Pages gadget

1. If you want to load a external website on clicking of a page listed under “Pages” gadget.

2. From left menu choose “Layout” in the layout that opens look for Pages widget and click on “Edit” it opens the gadget window.

3. Here click on “+Add external link”.

link external url to Pages gadget

4. In the window that opens enter title and external website url you want to load on page click.

5. Save.

6. Your blog would now show the page added which on click would redirect to the external website.

Additional Info

You can also checkout a YouTube video on the same